The Loving Menopausitivity Revitalizing Retreat

Valued at $5000

Discover how to reduce menopausal symptoms and tap into your feminine power and celebrate the Goddess in you!

“Menopause is a transition into the next stage in your life, it’s not a disease.”

Discover how to reduce menopausal symptoms.

Learn proven techniques to do in the comfort of your sacred space.

Tap into your feminine power – celebrate the Goddess in you.

How to prepare for and manage your menopausal symptoms and get back to feeling alive

Going from self-loathing to self-loving yourself during your menopausal journey.

Reduce stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. It’s time to get sexy back and connect with your feminine power

Learn about foods that are good for you but most importantly which foods trigger your
menopausal symptoms.

Address the menopausal symptoms in a natural way.

Address the menopausal symptoms in a natural way.

Come together and open the gateway to keep the case around menopause with your family and

Have fun and feel restorative in the comfort of your own Sacred Space.


Before joining Saireen’s Menopausitivity movement, I was challenged with night sweats and severe mood swings. My problem was that I didn’t really understand what triggered them. Or, that anything could be done about it at all.

I choose to join her movement because it was exactly what I needed. Information from a wonderful person that has/is going through the same things I am, and an absolutely fantastic support group.

The thing that blew me away the most was understanding that I had brain fog AND what I could do about it in a healthy way (without medicine).

I am now so much more knowledgeable about what my body is going through and Saireen has taught me so many tools that I use on a daily basis. I feel better, stronger and more woman.

If you are suffering from any sort of menopausal symptoms, I 100% recommend diving into LOVING MENOPAUSITIVITY!!!!!!

Jane Collins

Very informative and lots of helpful hints.

Not only was Saireen wonderfully helpful, kind, and sensitive to these “tabu” subjects, but she helped me feel less of an alien. Her knowledge and the information she shared were perfect!!! She showed me how to use natural ways and products that I will be forever grateful.

Diane Aube

Each video was short and easily digestible. It made it easy to make time in my day to watch and learn and reflect on how I could use the information. Also if I got behind a day or two I could easily catch back up.

I also liked how you can track how you are progressing through each module. If you are at the point in your life where you are in perimenopause or menopause and could use guidance, seeking knowledge or just need someone to talk to who has been through the experience, I recommend taking this course Loving Menopausitivty with Saireen.

Jes Tait